It's All About The Journey
Happiness is a State of Mind
The Energy of now, is about reviewing where we have been and where we find ourselves here in the moment. Now is the time to put the past in perspective and see it as a treasure of memories that we glean our greatest wisdom from. We are at a crossroad a place in time where we can appreciate, where we are and how far we have come. If we are honest with ourselves we see how the trials and tribulations in our existence, have all been beneficial. We come with a blueprint created by ourselves before our descent into matter once again. We hear the newer generations saying it is all good. And so it is. The emotions from fear, as the lowest vibration to faith and Peace as the highest is the ladder we climb, in perpetual motion to choose from. The burning Fire within looking to expand. Enjoying the journey, experiencing life, as we see it. No two of us see it the same.
The progression from looking outside ourselves for answers, finally leads us to search within, for the innate wisdom of the heart. We stop spinning our wheels in the darkness to emerge into the Light, realizing as we do that it has always been about "me", not in a selfish way but in relation to the whole of which no one or anything is separate from. Anything we do, think or emote flows from us into the collective, causing expansion of either choice.... negative or positive to expand. When material things no longer give us the high of experience, a feel good now vibration that does not last, we finally look for something deeper.
So, we ask for Peace, and what is Peace, what is Love, what is happiness, what is fear but a state of emotional being. These qualities are intangible, and can only be seen through the feeling one gets when observing from a personal point of perspective. Each of us an aspect of the One Soul. The negative side is seeing atrocities occurring, or things we are not able to accept as "what we think should be". On the other hand, we hold a new born babe in arms, and see the joy of someone in a state of unconditional love and feel it. We watch the sunrise, and sunset a waterfall, or any other magical view of Mother Nature, and we feel the bliss and wonder of the magnificence of a Creator Source that we would love to put a face to.
I love the song, " One of Us", by Joan Osborne. Worth a listen to on utube, as so many other songs are. They send out the same message. The message has always been there, and when we are ready, we hear what has always been, brought down through the ages and corridors of time, as we make our journey back, Home to the Heart. Heart choice is when we understand that there is our own voice within that we can hear if we listen.
Still the Mind, and open the Heart. It is not a journey we make alone, it is about hands reaching out to hands, offering a step up the ladder. We were not meant to do this alone, and when the student is ready the teacher will appear. We feel it by a tug at the heart strings and a magnetic feeling of attraction always brings to us in ways we could never imagine, a word a phrase a story a smile, some thing that switches something in our brain bringing it to new awareness.
So, the moral of this story is that it is time to choose happiness, practice gratitude for where we are, what we have accomplished thus far, and look forward in each moment to the next step. Finding Happiness, is to focus on beauty no matter what we perceive it to be, remembering that our training of the mind has been programmed to feel, hear see sense and know fear, and when we focus on those programs we re-activate them. This is our work, the fear will not magically go away without our own personal choice to do what it takes to recreate a Beautiful Mind. Take it out of the closet and nourish it with beautiful thoughts. As the feelings and the pain of the past emerge allow them transition into the Light of Love and Forgiveness. It is ours to do, one by one as we join the Practice of finding a Peaceful Place, our joyful happy place, we join the collective of the same frequency. We get on and off the Peace Train, however practice will eventually keep us there. We will have remembered who we really are, the Masters of ages and ancestors of old. And so we are.
Blessings and Peace
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