Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Going Within

Are You Listening

The Humming Bird is symbolic of Joy.  Do we know why we are attracted to what appears in our life  moment to moment.  Perhaps when we are endowed with silence, and nothing seems to be happening, or working as we perceived it to be, it is the Soul letting us know that there is Peace in Silence.  For in those moments of silence if we stop to listen we may hear, that beautiful spirit within, saying be still.  Time to ponder on the beauty around us. Listen to the hum of the humming bird, emoting sounds of joy. Be grateful for what we have, and decide where we need to go from here now.  I focus on the now vibration for the simple reason that we are ever moving on the wheel of time, and unless we stop to review our journey, our accomplishments and how far we have come, we will never know the grandeur of who we really are. In the Light of Eternity, we are eternal, and we have forgotten that in our fear based society. Awakening the Giant within. The Sleeping Giant of Thunder bay Ontario, a beautiful creation of nature and Indigenous Mythology, a reminder to awaken the Spirit within.

When we stop and listen we become the observer of self in relation to others. The energy now is all about each aspect of source in relation to others, coming from a place of harmlessness. Do no harm for what we do to others we do to ourselves, as the energy called Karma, what goes around comes around. Karma is the unfinished business we give ourselves, to overcome fear and judgement and to bring ourselves back to who we really are.  Each one of us decides, Who AM I?  Follow this with  I AM..............and fill in the blanks. It is an exercise for each of us to stop and decide, ponder and ask.  Are we putting anything outside ourselves?  Are we shrinking from our own responsibility for our journey by asking to be saved by some big guy in the sky?  No, Stop, and see how we are still here, there has been no Armageddon, things have changed and we as a collective have changed what was predicted because we collectively are choosing Peace, yet wondering where it is.  We say, God I want Peace, I have asked for Peace where is it?

Nothing is carved in stone, we can change and we are, so let us look at this beautiful picture, she is real, a mime, and for periods of 20 minutes was able to be still.  Then, take a break and move around.  Time is like that, it can stand still as we rearrange our beliefs, and discover the truth of who we really are.  What we felt was set in stone is there for our own personal choice, to choose a different reality.  The past is the past, and is what was, and how beautiful to finally see that we are not trapped in stone, only spinning our wheels to leap into the next paradigm of who we believe ourselves to be.  Completion, becomes knowing that we are eternal beings, enjoying or not the illusion in which we find our self. I took her picture at the Butterfly Palace in Branson Missouri, several years ago  Amazing, how I really thought she was a statue! 

 The orchid represents love luxury beauty and strength.  Are you tending your own garden! Weeding out what no longer serves the highest good! Replacing with happiness and harmony, and nurturing the beautiful Spirit.  Our Body is the instrument for Peace. To live is to experience the Joy of creation without judgement of self or others, anything less causes a chemical reaction in the body that leads to deterioration of the cells.  To be in Joy is to rejuvenate the cells from the experiences of our trip in time frames, in ages past. We carry our wisdom in our DNA. It is in the Soul, the Heart of Matter, the Heart Center of every one, the individual pieces of the puzzle of creation.We have help, yes, however no one can do our work for us. Unfortunately we created healer helper saviour which attaches us to others because we think we can save them. The now energy is about our own personal path.  Be the best we can be and so shall follow we are mirrors for others to change. This is how we "save others", by passing on our wisdom and emoting the energy of unconditional love. We do not do it for them we only offer a choice, a contrast between fear and faith. Are you tending your own garden, in the garden of Life. Be present and enjoy the gift.

Again perceptions, as we evolve, what worked and was true yesterday may not work today as the soup of who we are is ever changing.  Know this, there is no separation, no man is an island unto him or herself.  What we think say and feel flows out from us as the co-creator serving up its free choice of free will to do and be whatever we choose. I use we, and hope to keep it as we! Nothing greater or lesser simply part of the human evolution here on planet Earth, hands reaching out to hands, raising  vibrations, to the tune of collective awareness of love for all that is. Returning home where the heart is, here now. The Tapestry of Life, weaving each thread in and out.  Is there ever completion? Only upon realization that we are already complete as an eternal being, playing in this quantum soup called the game of life.  Each one working its way home, not separate from but connected to all that is. So, as an eternal being, we realize there is no hurry, there is nothing but acting upon that which we magnetize from the place of peace in our hearts. From one traveller in time to another.

Blessings and Peace

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