Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

What is Reality?

A Point  of View

Many of these photos
I have taken along
my life's highway

It is difficult to remember the following, when your vehicle is in the garage for realignment, you cannot drive it. Unlike our car, the beautiful body can push to keep going. Hard to enjoy the ride when you are not all there!

Blame it on the weather, the flu but what is that but change? A virus is the bodys' way of detoxing, and so is the common cold. So hang in there during the process of transition, we are all going through it taking turns, and being re-aligned to higher frequencies. This too shall pass and the sun comes up tomorrow and dawns a beautiful day.

Every aspect of Source finds itself eventually. There is nothing that is Real except the Light which exists in and around every thing. Live Life each moment as the gift you give yourself to experience the wonders of the Universe in a sentient form knowing, beyond the Shadow there is in all its splendour The True Self which is Radiant Light. When One lives in the Light All is Well. Each world created is the tide of the ebb and flow of belief systems forming links within links.

Each represents the vibration of a compatible field, which to humans seem incompatible. Opposites are not necessarily opposing. To take the Light and Love vibration of the One and work with it in harmony is to create Heaven on Earth. Those are the glorious times we feel vibrant invincible and joyful, until the next wave hits for transition.  Make the journey the best we can with the qualities of Godliness being expressed moment to moment.  And, do not beat yourself up when straying from that place.  After all we are sentient beings picking up all kinds of vibes to choose from. Sometimes it is simply heavy out there.  We are the rainbows 'end and its beginning.

Blessings, Happy Times

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