Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Harmony and Balance

The Road Less Travelled

I have been a diviner all my life, as we all are, learning to travel the road less travelled, following Spirt.   Going in and out, the ups and downs learning how to keep centered, in the name of love we eventually can maintain  our Peaceful Center.  Clear your field and balance your system, as you feel disturbances in your field. "Judge not lest you be judged".  We  are all co-creating on the wheel of life.

Many have followed the voice within, went where they were inspired to go following the heart and using the gifts they have, assisting the planet and humanity to return to Love, changing old energy vortices to the new world energy.  In doing this, there is no sacrifice for what we all are doing is re-igniting the sacred fire within. It is an inside job, an individual journey yet not separate from all that is.

Satisfying our basic need for creativity, for we are all creators, we positioned ourselves and manifested income along the way, and were always provided for. Now patience is of the essence as the collective meld into the resonance of Unity Consciousness. Relationships, that present, allow for choices harmonizing with Unity or not. Above all else as we are true to our Authentic Self, not the fear based illusion, trust and faith, will keep our path balanced as we decide what to do with who we have become in the grand scheme of life unfolding. It is a beautiful world, benevolent and abundant.


When you know, and have remembered who you are and live it, then the well, the reservoir is always full, you spin and weave the In breath and the Out breath of Spirit, in trust, patience, paying attention and faith knowing the seeds planted yield abundant harvest. We are all shifting, no exceptions.

The Spirit has become stronger than the personality, and the personality trusts as we progress through the shift. Keep the dreams alive, as the Universe prioritizes and synchronizes events that manifest as choices, dependent on allowance, and receptivity being in synch with Spirit. Sometimes what we think we want is not necessarily so, to be proven by later being grateful for not getting what we asked for. I think of the farmers as how patient they must be to allow their seeds to germinate and grow, watching, praying and trusting for beneficial weather to  germinate and produce abundant crops. 


And, so it is with those human vessels that have ridden the cosmic waves of change, participating in the shift knowing they are working with the unseen forces, those invisible, yet visible to some. The Key is to live unconditional love for all that is. The spoken word is powerful, as is the written word, be ever vigilant of the vibration we emote.  Be kind wherever you go there you are, past, present or future version of you.  There is no separation we are One.  What we truly believe we become with practice, until Joy becomes, once again our natural state of being.

There but for Grace and Gratitude we go, learning to embody all that is, trusting in faith that all is unfolding, as Divinely Designed. Seeds planted will germinate, knowing in escrow there awaits the fruit of our labour of love for humanity.  We cannot rush the river, there is no beginning, no end. All is well. We collectively, are re-creating a New World.


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