Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light


With Praise

"Diane has been my mentor and friend for 20 years.  There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not reflected on in gratitude for all the guidance and wisdom that she has shared with me and inspired within. From the moment I met Diane I felt like I was home.  Thank you Diane for being an example to live by."

 Bridget Saraka Mentor/Feng Shui

 "So what does Diane do?" Not sure if the words encompass the magic of what she does, but  Diane is Magical. She will gently lead you to your next level of ascension and teach you the tools that you will need in order to maintain your balance and move even further. Diane is a Master. She is very subtle and will help you to heal without all the bells and whistles or ego-centered Drama. Sometimes all it takes is a look or a word or a touch and suddenly you "get" it, right down to your core.
Diane is Love. She sees your Soul and recognizes you for the love and light that you truly are and can assist you in seeing and managing that love and light as well.  Diane is Deep. Many, many times I must read her words over and over and over again and each time that I do, I glean something new from it. Her work is very layered so that you receive the messages when you are ready to hear them. Diane is very intuitive. She knows when to push, she knows when to hold back and she knows exactly when to say the exact right words to pick your self up again and move on.  I Love Diane with all my heart and am so very grateful that we have found each other….Again."  

Lori LaForme Teacher

"Diane Cornett's A GATHERING IN THE HEART OF THUNDER BAY, weekend workshop, was a breath of fresh air; an amazing journey into the depths of personal transformation. Her expertise and mastery as a teacher and facilitator allowed us to experience the concepts unlike any workshop I have attended in the past 30 years. The effects go beyond the temporary shift that I have found with many other workshops that promise the world and deliver much less than that. I came away from Diane's workshop with tools to maintain and expand my personal energy and certainty about my next steps. Thank you Diane for helping me to shed old fears and instill the confidence I need to move into my own mastery.

True Vision Energy Coaching" - Cindy Maki :0)

"Diane has remarkable Depth to her and a Divine way of interpreting Personal Experiences. Through her teaching, she offers a clear and profoun, explanation of what we are doing to ourselves and others in this world. She shares ways on how we can change our thinking to manifest our deepest desires." 

 Rosemarie Machi, Teacher, Professor

"When the student is ready the ,teacher will appear..
For those that may have the slightest inkling that there could be more to
life, you could do worse than spend a little time with this enigmatic woman.
I met her with no fanfare and little expectation, initiated through a casual
friend at work who knew I was looking for something more from life.

Whatever formal accreditation, she had was not of particular interest. As a
publishing scientist with an Ivy degree my rational understanding of life
was not in question.  And as to other life mysteries, they would remain so
as I  (raised as a WASP) had found no person, or organized faith/religion to
commit. There were just too many liabilities.  But there were some common
interests with Diane in perhaps exploring an inner potential.
Indeed there were. And my life fundamentally changed.

She provided opportunities/tools for self- discovery, some which proved more
powerful than sex and facilitated the opening of a floodgate of metaphysical
experiences; experiences that continue to expand my sense of self and
connectedness to others as well as something much greater..  Experiential
exercises and practices which she offered continue to bring me some of my
greatest joys since learning them some 14 years ago.  Leaders in
transpersonal psychology have been surprised at the degree of personal
development from such seemingly inauspicious beginnings". 
A Very Grateful John W. Parks

I shall keep this short and sweet, knowing Diane has been life
changing.   She has been my mentor and my friend for 14 years.

Shelley Kresack, Sensitive Intuitive and Reader