When one has forgotten that their source of love/light is within, then to maintain life they exist on that which is outside of themselves. When we give others the benefit of the doubt, they benefit and we are left doubting ourselves. Enabling serves no one, but allows patterns of not being accountable and not taking responsibility to continue, to fester and grow. The body seeks homeostasis.
Clarifying the Law of Attraction, and understanding it is a process of remembering, the greater reality of who we are and why we ventured forth into this time space reality. Within each human is the same source, how we choose to experience and go forth on the path of the multiple choices presented moment to moment, is an individual choice of free will. Since the beginnning of Time, and to understand time is a key, we have been in and out of physical bodies, recycling ourselves for the Joy of the experience. Somewhere along the way we lost the "Joy of the Journey", and through learned habits, as we" In Habit" the earth, we play the same records over and over. Programs we run, learned with a hierarchy of attached feelings. Instead of feeling fear as a guide post showing us whether we are in alignment with Source within or not, we feel it as terror, fright panic etc., a distorted version of "an internal alarm" showing us something harmful is presenting itself as a choice.
Fight or Flight! Struggle or Fly Free. We are always reaching to feel better, and when in the depths of despair we ask; get me out of this, beam me up Scottie, take me home, all
we are asking is to feel the love. We call upon God to help! So in these moments, we are sending out to the Universe the call for Love, for feel good feelings. We are given even before it is asked. In these moments we are
bringing forth a magnified current of what we are asking for, and love is poured forth, like a pebble expanding into all that is.
Everything is temporary, the ups and downs, the dichotomy of choice. How better to know what we choose to experience, than to have experienced the opposite. Life does not exist without the contrast. However, we can learn to enjoy the ride and live our Piece of Peace in this earthly existence. Our personal piece of the puzzle is to decide what we choose to do with the gift of life, from where we are and what we have become, dipping in and out of time. No two of us are alike. We change with the tools of focussed attention and intention. Plato said it 400 B.C.,
"before we heal the body we must first heal the mind". Everything was a thought before it became a form.
Change our thinking and we change our reality; ever evolving in the circle of life.
When we stray from who we really are, to something lesser,
the contrast of experience spins us either further into the stuggle, the abyss, or through conscious choice propels us into the wings of inner wisdom, riding on the current of a feeling better place. Not jumping from hell to heaven, but spiralling up the emotions as each step gives us relief from the last. We all know the labels of negative feelings! Here is where we have choices, to go against the current or with the current. Shall we hash over all that which we feel is wrong, or focus on what we really would love to manifest as our own part for balance and harmony.
The current of energy that drives us is our Spirit, our own Point of Light, always there for us to move toward. To go with it we must give up the stuggle of going against it.
To go with that flow one must calm the mind, and consciously focus on a feel good frequency, anything less is going against the grain of our own true self. Yes, I know, easier said than done! However, are we not simply searching for an experience to feel good? It is a choice, to be who we truly are.
Photo by Kim Kukko
We have made real that which we have focussed on for so long that is less than who we truly are, that the habit is so deeply ingrained in our thoughts that we feel there is no way out. We all have the ability to change our minds. We do it all the time. With conscious focus, we can practice putting our attention to what we choose to experience and take our mind off what we feel we think we lack that we wish we had. We begin by being grateful for where we are; climbing the mountain only to begin again, as we ever expand the experience of the gift of life. Find the feel good feelings, find the words to use that match the feelings, and watch them become stonger and easier with deliberate choice; focussed atttention. What form is being presented that challenges us?
Know who you are! Mother Nature nourishes the Soul.
Find the sweetness and the Joy, and live it in the face of adversity.
The only question to ask the Self is,
Am I diminishing my Point of Light or making it Brighter. Base Light seeks Prime Light, and when we know we are Prime Light, Creative Source, and no one does anything to us, we now have the responsibility through THE LAW OF ATTRACTION to discern what choices to make. We shift out of Blame and into Cause, I know who I AM, and I know who you are, some have just forgotten and All are in the process of remembering and clearing old energy in the DNA. You are not what you appear to be! Things are not what they seem to be.
You are the Light. In the grand scheme of things, "the Universe is unfolding as it should". Who are any one of us to judge? Become the observer and stand fast in our own Light as history rewrites itself, through that which is called Ascension which is but the Human Consciousness remembering their Creative Source, and that we are here to Return to Source and live it here now.
"There but for Grace (of God) go I". A very good thing for the mind to say. For each of us is the
Energy, FUEL, and we feed with our frequency, that which we emote to humanity.
Thought Creates. Yes I observe the less than Love, but I Am not of it, except for when I stray from that knowing. Be ever vigilant! There is a global meditation on the 20th of June, the Peace Train, and summer solstice on the 21st, both of which will bring in another wave of change. See you there, or maybe just feel you there.
The Swan, symbol of Grace
Blessings to All
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