Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Messages from Spirit


Food For Thought

I awoke with this on my mind in the mid '90's  Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall! I remember hearing all the words and understanding fully that “no big guy in the sky” comes down to save us.  A warped perception of putting 'God, Spirit' outside ourselves, and not taking responsibility for our own part of creation.  “All the kings horses and All the kings men, could not put Humpty together again.” It was a very clear message that putting ourselves together, disrobing the false images, and returning to the Divine Beauty and Love for all things, was up to each and every one of us. Long after receiving this message, I was given a book written by Marianne Williamson, to find,  that she too had heard the words from “Humpty Dumpty”, the same words penned by her. None of this is new, but a different time space reality. I cannot say which book it was because once I read a book I pass it on.  It was another validation that we are all in this together.  Who cast the first stone?  Who came up with the idea first? There is no beginning and no end! It matters not for we are the Universal Mind.

Fox Lake in the Yukon
What matters is how we put together the puzzle of our own being, what we think and feel and put into action.  What we believe to be true is who we are and what we Express. The past can no longer cast reflections of doubt and fear if we believe we are Eternal, and are All here for the game of existence.  Be kind, do unto others as we would like others to do unto us, what we give out we get back! The law of attraction. As well, base Light seeks Prime Light.  Attractions that cause us to believe and experience who we really are or by into the opposite of anything less.  All this has been said before over and over and over in as many creative ways with words expressed by the many.  There is enough for everyone, and it starts with the Thought of each and every one of us being Enough. We make up the whole. Why hoard?  What we take with us in and out of form is the full expression of the Character we have created. It is how we shape ourselves, with qualities of honesty, kindness and integrity and any positive vibration one can think of and put into action.  The rose is symbolic of the Heart.

The frequency we emote, becomes the songs we sing, the tunes we play with the strings from our Heart and reverberate into infinity and back again to us. Be Happy, it is a state, and something we can choose. Reach out if you need a hand, others are awaiting the balance of giving and receiving. To begin again, moment to moment, in the eternal now of Love in Motion, the Infinite Source expressing itself through the Human Being.

Kooteny River British Columbia
We can only change our own attitudes, and join that which we choose to live and express by walking our talk, consciously or unconsciously.  The orchestra of the duality of mankind in harmony, or the opposite! We walk our talk in all we say and put into action.  The energy behind the words expressed, likes and dislikes. The tune from a piano, guitar  or any instrument,  sends out waves and joins the frequency of like kind.  The Words Voiced become the action of frequency, a vibration that rocks with positive or negative tones. Are we rocking the boat or smoothly sailing?

 Photo by Kim Kukko
Blessings Peace and Prosperity


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