We live in a world of dynamic change! It is easy to stay with what is comfortable and known. Free will is dominant. People are discovering however, that past models for living are becoming ineffective.
Moved by change in 1987, I began pursuing my Path of Self-Transformation. Through study and experiential training in the field of Complimentary Health, I attained the level of Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Reiki. Understanding how the Mind, Body, Spirit, and energy worked. I also have accreditation in the Hawaiian Discipline of Huna, in Time Line and other Energy modalities, all of which assisted in my personal growth. Studies took me to Hawaii, England, Regina, Toronto and Mexico. Each phase giving a deeper understanding of our inter-connectedness. We are all conduits, channels of information. My greatest wisdom came from tuning into Higher Consciousness. I would hear one liners, very clear and precise and always gentle, like "there is no separation". "Be still and know that I AM God". We are all woven together as One, the Human Family. Everything we do affects the whole. Each journey expanding awareness of Self relating to all that is, tapping into and listening to the Voice Within. the gentle one that is pure love. To become a Master, one adept at a skill, one must " Walk Your Talk", another one liner from within. For a long time that is all I heard. The answers to questions having been given, and now the journey of practicing new patterns, those of conscious choice for the good of the whole. Knowledge applied became wisdom. We each perceive what we experience differently, so what I share comes through my filters the essence of my collective memories. What I have come to believe and live in the process. Since 1992, I have been involved in mentoring and sharing information, wisdom, energy and tools for personal growth.
Pooling the Essence of what I gleaned along the way, I created "Mining The Diamond Within", the Art of Soul Communication, tuning into the Heart of Matter, the Voice Within. A union of Mind Body and Spirit, Healing Separation. With pure intention, I set my goal to be at Peace through Sharing. Gratefully I acknowledge all my relationships, and Life itself for my arrival in this place of Peace.We are not here to save anyone, but to Live the best we can Be. I Am that I Am, here by choice and with purpose.