Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light




The pink rose is symbolic of gentleness, and thankfulness and compassion, loving and supportive. What does the word  mentor mean?  By definition a wise and trusted counsellor, a teacher.  We use the word facilitator, consultant trainer, you name it there are many labels. For me to use a "word" to define what I do has not come easy.  There are many people out there offering services, using labels.  Which do I choose?   So what I choose to say is that  I share information from experience, with those who are seekers of the Truth Within.  That is where we go.  Our inner wisdom is our guide. We simply mirror to others choices.  I connect Soul to Soul. What I do is share the "how" by offering experiential tools that assist one to find their way home through the maze of information and services available.

I have the gift of communicating directly with ones Spirit, while the personality listens, to assist integration, and heal separation. We as a group are called Sensitive Intuitives.  We see, hear feel sense and know. We feel others pain, we can see their trauma of past experiences. These energies we  take  on until we release attachment that comes from a sympathetic point of view, of suffering with someone, being of no help but to join them in their emotional turmoil.  This leaves us drained of energy.  We learn through the process, to detach and offer the higher vibration of Compassion. From here we can lift others' Spirits up. As I contemplate on yesteryears, how different life is now, when living in the "Spirit of Love". I believe we all seek the same thing, to love and be loved.  We first have to define what that means.  And, that is our journey.


By reading testimonials and the daily posts, you will have gathered by now a sampling of tools to begin to make a difference consciously.  Everything is consciousness.  Astrologically I have Moon in Gemini, thus my desire to "communicate".  I have Venus in Taurus, thus my "love for Humanity and the Earth". It is all  connected. The vibration of my words must match their expression.  I choose to live and communicate in the Spirit of Love.  Often misunderstood, the depth from where my communication flows.

By my voice, I am able to transport you safely to places the body fears to go because of past hurts, trauma and pain.  These are foremost manifested in our reality if we have not dealt with root cause. LET NO ONE TELL YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO REVISIT THAT TRAUMA.   Like a string of pearls they are layered upon one another through eons of time repeating old energy patterns.  In order to change the patterns, the emotional charge behind them must be neutralized and illuminated, leaving the drama that was our focus on the ever spinning wheel of time.  There comes a time to release the past hurt, for no one does anything to us without our consent. The time is now. The question becomes who cast the first stone? There is no blame, only acceptance of where we are to make decisions to change our energy.  Return to Source, yet still be here on Earth to manifest from that place of Wisdom Understanding and Peace. Who will break the cycle of abuse?  When I worked for the Canadian Red Cross as an abuse counsellor, I presented information to public school students, in and around grade 6.  The children always knew the answers.  They knew they were the ones to break the cycle.  They only needed permission to tell. This leads us to the tools, KNOWLEDGE, the Voice and the Body.  Body Talks through physical appearance, emotions, feelings and all other senses. Begin again, the cross holds the key, the vertical line being Spirit, the horizontal being the Earth the path upon which we walk and create in our individual way.

KNOW WE ARE DIVINE, this is the key
BELIEVE WE ARE DIVINE, the key is in the lock
BEHAVE BE AND ACT DIVINE, and the lock shall stay open

It is our journey back to Source.