Nurturing the Self
Photo by Kim Kukko
As co-creators of reality we have been weaving in and out of time, experiencing life, as we know it from a personal perspective, and all the while that perspective has created what we think is real. Our personal power lies in our Viewpoint. The big picture, is in the quantum field of knowing who we truly are. Living parallel realities. No one is separate from Infinite Source, and as we have been pulled to nurture others, it is time to share that compassion with "the tree in the forest", the personal Self. It is an incredible journey. Live in the now and know life is perfectly unfolding according to both the Tree and the Forest, there is no separation, what we put out affects all that is. We each have a story and the story is never ending, always with a sequal and something else to share. As we expand our own personal Light editing our own time lines of past history, we create a newer and higher version of who we choose to be. Freedom of choice, our own personal viewpoints all powerful, create the here and now.
Enjoy the ride, the expanding waves of Peace
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