Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

The Voice

Dancing To The Music of The Soul


What a new energy Television Production.  The authenticity of not seeing a person, but actually fully listening to the performers voice is a testimonial to the new way.  Do not judge a book by its cover.  If we could not see and only feel what a different world it would be. The coaches, are fully listening to the performers, and often surprised by the physical appearance of the singer once the chairs are turned. Watching this entertaining program has given me a greater appreciation for the complexity of becoming an artist in the musical world.  They sing out expressing the joy and fun of doing what they love.

Let us understand that language, words, mean different things to different people.   Dictionaries can define words to mean something, but the feelings we get from words, give our own personal twist to meanings, and what context they are used in.  Words as all other things have vibrations.  So it is not necessarily the word itself but the vibration behind the spoken word. When we listen to music, to songs that are sung we feel the emotion behind the voice that is singing.  The scale of high to low pitch, also affects the listener.  To find the songs that resonate to our Spirit is to feel the vibration behind the singers song.  So we have varied types of music that call to us or not.  The words, the tone the pitch and emotion behind the performance  will or will not resonate.  Our visual sense will also be part of our choice, biased by how a person appears. That is why I love the voice.

So today I would like to applaud, THE VOICE.  It is a breath of fresh air to hear the journey of the would be artists as they make their way to their dream.  The coaches are benevolent and gracefully applaud all participants with encouragement to never give up the dream. They all inspire us. So "whistle while we work", enjoy the moment and find the song that resonates to the heart.  It is an emotional and feeling journey.

Blessings and Peace

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