Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light


Dream Catcher

We all have visions, DREAMS, and perhaps it fits to say they are our imagination.  Yet, what is creation except imagination?  White represents, the united four directions. The White from the Rainbow Clan represents, Grandfather, White or Star Person.  White is most pure, innocence wholeness and completion,  and contains an equal balance of all the colours of the spectrum. Evolution brings us closer to heaven on earth. We bring heaven to Earth.  We are the bridge.  It was created in 1987, through collective spiritual  consciousness again the time of The Harmonic Convergence. All this can be googled and read.  Many of us live unconsciously conscious of the joy and beauty of life. These Souls when seen offer us refections of those living the Golden Rule, and raise our Spirits just by being in  their presence.

It has been years, but this was a profound vision. As the dream came to me, it spoke to me in symbols.

The Buffalo is symbolic of the strength, survival and power you  need to stand by your convictions, when faced with doubt.  I found so many profound visions came when I would doubt myself. The picture I saw was the pure white face and shoulders of the Buffalo, looking me directly in the eyes. The White Buffalo speaksof Power and Abundance, reminding us that the Earth is Sacred and she provides us abundantly. We all have Spirit guides, asking us to pay attention to their message.  Shortly after that I also had a vision of the Archetype, the White Buffalo Calf Woman.  She came in a swirl of sand  and left, very profound, sand being symbolic of time. You can find the most beautiful images on line of this Archetype. Here I will add another poem, from my reservoir of tools.  Poems I share, were written without, conscious thought, by the Spirit within me giving me information to store in my personal repertoire of knowledge. The Eagle is symbolic of Vision.  

Children of the Rainbow come 
Can you hear the distant drum
Calling from afar
And can you see the colours bright
They light the day and still the night

For in the silence sounds ring clear
As we remember oh so dear
The times our Spirit took to flight
When all was one and all was right

To ride the waves eternally
An old familiar sound
Oh joyful were the times
Abundance did abound

Now listen closely hear again
The tune that speaks to you
In words so gentle falling rain
Bring forth the music not the pain

Within the circle is a point
The finest golden thread
Take hold and ride the rainbow
You'll find there is no end

Diane A. Cornett 1992

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