Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Mirrors and Reflections



When looking in the mirror who do we see. For years I expressed my Hearts' knowing through writing poetry.  Mirrors are best expressed by me through this poem, and I began writing them in '92.  Each was a part of my poetic journey I entitled Moon Dancing.



Do you see there's only me
A million faces more
Jeering haunting laughing free...
Which one of them
Oh I must choose 
The one I really want to be

So one by one I look at you
And know in days gone by
I was you and you were me
We've played this game eternally
A circle going round and round
Sometimes up and sometimes down

But now it's time to change our game
For in our Hearts our Light's the same
And Spirit waits for us to make
The choice to set it free
So we can laugh and sing and dance
The Universal Song
Of Joy and Peace and Harmony
 Love That lasts Eternally

Diane Cornett '93

The butterfly so prominent, reminding us of change and the Spiral is the dance of the Soul in and out of transformation. Looking at life and others deciding "who do I choose to Be". How do I choose to express my Self, and how do I let go of judgement of those who appear and are of a vibration not compatible with the qualities I choose to live. The moon represents our emotional body and is feminine. In Roman mythology Diana, meaning Heavenly Body or Divine, is the Goddess of the Hunt, Moon and Rebirthing.  During the time of the Full Moon everyone can feel the emotional body shifting. It symbolizes our Subconscious, that which we must go through to arrive at our Super, or Higher Consciousness.  One cannot go from Consciousness to Higher Consciousness without dealing with the Subconscious, the repressed emotions, looking for freedom and illumination.



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