To excavate the Diamond Within, we must dig deep into our subconscious, where we hold the memories in our Akashic records of all we have ever experienced through this journey called time, the evolution of the Soul. Have you ever wondered, is this all but a dream? In reality as Spirit Sparks, Points of Light, individualized aspects of God, our Super Conscious, we are the Creator's Dream Manifest in Motion, experiencing unlimited, infinite possibilities, through our individual unique perspectives, our Conscious Self. Like snow flakes falling from the sky, glistening in the sunlight can one be captured and saved? We spin in frequency changing moment to moment by what is on our minds and how we feel. It is the NOW that counts, the opportunity to begin again, raise our frequency to gratitude for where we are and how far we have come.
The lowest vibration is fear and living in the darkness of the recesses of the mind, held captive their by the repressed feelings conditioned not to show themselves. We come into this world, over and over with our own unique blueprint. Our environment, our family our friends, our work, our schooling our religious orientation. Race, colour creed, yet we are all the collective called Humanity. There is something to learn from everything.
The Highest Vibration is Compassion, Unconditional Love
How do we get there? We excavate, to reveal Compassion in the Heart of Matter. As difficult as it seems to take responsiblity for all you are, it is here we begin to realize and accept that we have been everything. The words I used are, I have been the devil and the deep blue sea, and pain showed me what to neutralize in my cellular memory, it brought me to my knees over and over. It is the Emotional Body we are here to Master! The emotions run the patterns ingrained.
What is dominant will always be on the mind. Begin to make Peace your dominant vibration. I am cleaning house, my vehicle, my spaceship, my act, to live compassionately. Not an easy task but do-able. It is a process in time, trials and tribulations. From the darkness into the Light. Here we find that the yin and the yang, representing female and male, each have an attribute. The Light is Masculine and White, the Yin is Feminine, Dark, and is the Void from which we create. Imagine that, when aligning the two, they work in Harmony? Yes, we manifest all the time, so why not make it conscious and positive. You are the Magic, Manifestor, and Source is Pure Love. We are weaving what we emote back into the pool of Collective thought where others tuned in can receive, from the very fabric of creation.
The fastest way to Source is through GRATITUDE, accepting we are the creators of our own reality and not victims of circumstances. We come here of our own free will, over and over to remember who we truly are. Each incarnation we gather more wisdom through the experience of the infinite choices available. I aways wonder at those who believe, that this is the only lifetime we have. It made absolutely no sense to me that, a creator would deal a hand of wealth, abundance amazing careers, loving families and friends, and on the other hand deal the hardships of those in poverty, war torn countries, famine and the myriad forms of abuse exposed everywhere on this planet. No sense at all! I Am gifted with common sense, and discernment, never taking what appears to be for fact as real, or my reality, until I sense feel understand and know it is absolutely true for me. Proof for me is in the experience, so what I share is not textbook knowledge, although it can be coming from a collective mind thought.
ASK? What aspect of the Isness of all that is, do I choose now, Starting with the Resourses I have. Where do I go from here, and does what I do make my heart sing? Feeling Joy is a sign of Love, feeling happy and content, a sign of Love. These are the feelings that raise the vibration of the cells in the body that produce wellness. Have you ever wondered at the moments you feel no pain? Pain is an excellent teacher and brings you to your knees, flushing out those deeply embedded emotions of an old energy consciousness. Ebb and Flow. Days of ups and downs, for what has been repressed must show itself, in order to be Illuminated.
Darkness is the absence of Light, so does it not follow if we wish to be well, to shine the Light on that which is not! Be the Spark that Ignites, for we never know who we affect in the whisper of the wind. Love the unloveable. Visualize the Diamond Within, it is yours to Shine.
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