Standing In Your Own Light
In the face of Adversity
We are a human family. Ghandi said "you must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
Photo by Kim Kukko
In these times, to release ones self from the Karmic Wheel, one must understand the Universal Law of Oneness, what we give out we get back, an action started must return to itself. There is no separation. Thus in this knowing do we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions. The Laws are for the growth of the Soul to experience unlimited potential of being. We are here to remember we are Eternal and everywhere. Through time, individual choice of expansion, free will, we have come to understand what we call past and are free to break free of contracts with our Self motivated attachments to the dark encounters we have allowed to have control over us. We break free from the drama, and take a quantum leap onto the Cosmic Wheel of Joy and Love for all that is. We thus can set ourselves free from the emotional body that binds us to old patterns, anything less than the Natural Joy of who we truly are. Thus with this understanding we are co-creating together and are beginning to experience a life of benevolence, joy, peace and harmony with Compassion for all that is. We must Live the Change we wish to see.
Like an elastic band that has been stretched to its limits we are slowly coming back to our True Self. The How of change is through Whole Hearted connection to that Oneness, Divine Love, Energy, Light there are many names we give it, compassion and forgiveness being the key qualities to emulate, the feminine and masculine
working in harmony through our human form, the Flame of Divinity within each Spirit Spark. Is the Light asking you to come to it, or is it inviting you to bring it in? We are all the Light and it is within us, it flows through and surrounds all that is. It is portrayed "go to the Light", with the perception of leaving the physical body, tired of feeling negativity "out there". Tired of the gift of life being trapped in "what is the use"? A very good question would be, Am I done here, or do I choose to invite that greater part of me to fully embrace every cell in my body and live my joy? When others no longer can motivate the feel good feelings, it is time for introspection. Am I able to have the faith and trust required to allow the transformation of the old cellular memory to shift to the New Earth Vision of Peace on Earth? This question is asked of the 7 billion or so humans on earth. Anger is fear of loss of control, giving control to others rather than finding the truth of who we truly are and living it. We are holograms and project what is within, to be out there.
The Bee doing what it was created for.
Photo by Kim Kukko
I say nothing new here, We are the vehicle through which this Creative Source flows and makes Manifest Matter on Earth. What matters to us we create. Be aware that it is the Brilliance of the Light that exposes the Darkness of the Fear Based. Fear cannot feed off those who are centered in their hearts, standing true to living the qualities of Love and Light, the Yin and the Yang balanced. Like arrows those self created dark energies seek Source from others, (for they have forgotten the Spark within), will but return from where they came or be transformed by those holding the frequency of the Divine, in the face of adversity, beyond a shadow of a doubt. If on the other hand the seeker chooses through free will the path of transformation they shall touch the hem of the garment of those living the Universal Law of Oneness, standing in their own Light, and will shift as they feel that flow of eternal love wash over them. As fast as cosmic law allows we are all shifting the human experience of duality. To explore all potentials, allows for deciding who we are not, and who we have become, to decide who we choose to be. The contrast allows choices. Duality of understanding that differences are not necessarily opposing, but offer flavour to the all of everything made manifest.
Find and live your Joy. It is our natural state of being, feeling the beauty and the wonder of creation.
Ghandi " We must stand in our truth even if we are the lone Voice in the crowd"
Blessings, Peace, Harmony and Prosperity
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