Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light





What is enough?  Is my cup half full, half empty or "does my cup runneth over" with the Joy for Life itself.   Music is good for the Soul,The Voice and Dancing With the Stars,  are entertaining for me because they are incredible mirrors and reminders, "you can do anything" attain what you set your heart on, through practice.  Accomplishments differ with the individual Players. Not everyone will win number one spot, yet everyone pushed their own boundaries to be a grander version of themselves. No carbon copies.  Enough for one person differs for another.  It is the Spirit within the Body that aspires to be more of itself, not separate but interconnected to all sparks of love.

No matter our chronological age, we all feel young at heart. It is the Knowing that, if I keep my cup full, I will never lack. This is an abundant planet. We are all One, all are provided for, it is what we think that causes our state of being. We may be looking for something that is not in alignment with our own Internal Higher Self, and seek and find becomes the game of "what does my heart really desire to experience"?  The possessions, or does it seek to find its essence, and express those traits in all we do.  Every expression is OK for it serves as opposites of choice.  What emotional expression have we not mastered, becomes the question.  Who and what pushes our buttons, that cause us to re-act in like kind,  or are we able to stand in that peaceful center of accepting to agree to disagree, honouring others choices without judgement.  Making no one right or wrong. It is not acceptance of abuse of any form but saying, no thank you to it, detaching from making it real. Like two teams, playing the game of  Oneness or Separation, free will allows for each of us to choose how we play the game.  The pebbles on the beach create the shoreline.


We have long let our mind be the master, picking up and implementing thoughts that are not who we truly are.  Think about what you believe, does your heart really believe that?  What do we feel about those who have plenty and those who have so little and we see it as too much or not enough?  Changing how we see things changes our reality.  Sharing makes it beautiful for everyone. We can take survival out of the picture if we play a game of plenty.

The material world is necessary in this game. It is all energy, in what Spirit do we give and receive?  Where does the change begin? With each one of us. When do we have enough? When we think and feel we do.  Because thought creates, we have to examine what we think and what we believe to be true.  Being grateful provides an income of plenty, and this is not only money related.  The trick is to stay in the knowing feeling, that we have designed our path according to the greater plan of Oneness, in all its differentiated aspects. We hear the words “that is just the way it is”, and yet it is what we believe it to be and how we see it that makes it real to us.  Until we change how we see things, it will always appear as our beliefs dictate, either way.  In our individual worlds we coalesce to a common system.  That system can be enough or not enough. The collective of masters that hold the frequency of enough for all, changes the idea of balance.  What one person requires is not true for all.  We are all unique and different.  We are all co- creators using our resources designing our destination in each moment as we travel in time.  The Divine Designer, has created opposites, different states of uniqueness playing In Time.

Karmic Debt is that which brings us back to play the game of life. An action started must return to itself.  We ask ourselves what are we doing here, and why are we doing it in this manner?  These questions allow us to delve into the self for answers to our existing in any given moment, as we spin within the wheel, ever-spinning here in time. Since we are eternal we have all the time we need here now. These stepped down vibrations, from the Higher Self allow us to be anything we choose, but not all  at once! Thus the Karmic Game. Our accumulated resources of wisdom gained from all experiences allow for the position we find ourselves, in the illusion of now.  When we stop and examine our core beliefs and take responsibility for our own creation, we can make choices to change or not. As we ask questions, are we listening for the answers that come from the Spirit Within?  Are we paying attention to how LOVE IN MOTION seeds itself out there in reflections that mirror where we are?  Are we making our own decisions, using our own creative Source to make sense of where we are and what is reflected in our existence, The Circle of Oneness, The Light, or the fragmented, fear-based looking for new recruits to feed on.  The Dark can only be illuminated by the Light!  So let us shine.

Forgiveness of Karmic Debt, allows us all to begin again with a clean slate, to clean up old attitudes, societal beliefs, yet do we believe this?  Did we think that it was about money only? Money is energy, there is no separation.  Everything has a frequency!  We now have the opportunity to see things differently. 

My Cup Runneth Over

Let us make Divinity 

The Love for All, our New Currency

  What we give out comes back to us

Blessings  to All




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