Remembering Who We Are
This next line is what "God" spoke to me as I asked the question, when does the pain end, July 1987. The answer, loud and clear from inside, "I Am the Alpha and the Omega, there is no beginning, there is no end." Next question, what do I do now? "Live or Die", was the answer. Life changed for me in that moment. The quest, and the truth shall set you free. With that truth it is time to remember that in Time, we are experiencing exactly what we need in order to "turn it around". Evol-u-tion, evolving becomes, Love in motion. Remembering our Master Ship. Our greatest gifts were those that appeared unlovable. We are perfectly imperfect in the process of expressing Source so that it may know itself. No one does anything to us, for the mirror of another, the reflection of "happenings" that we perceive as right, wrong, good or bad, become a demonstration of Free Choice. Why "Me"? A question asked by many, and why not? To quote a biblical expression, "The way is through me", is simply that the Way to the Source Within is "Through Me", the me of all of us. Our unique individual expression of God. The many Facets of the ONE.
Each and every one of us is the Source of our own creation, in relationship to all that is visible and invisible. God, or whatever name we choose to use for Infinite Source, is within, it flows though us, surrounds us and Is . None of us are alone, for the wheel of creation encompasses all that is. What have we made visible in our lives? All there for the expression of learning to remember who we really are. Make real the love, the Divinity inside, where nothing is needed but the living from that place the feeling of home, inside where we expound Joy in the knowing, I Am that I Am, a living expression of pure unadulterated love/light all that is. I Am delighted to be here, in union with the Symphony of infinite expressions making their way back home.
"Drink into one Spirit"
This Bullrush hangs on my wall, by my Peace lily.
"Provision for others is a fundamental responsibility of human life."
Woodrow Wilson
Fast tracking, through gratitude and thankfulness for the continuation of being. In the acceptance of and coming from compassion for the unlimited expressions, we end the struggle of survival. We remember that we are all Masters, all Divine, all Eternal. Releasing expectations from wanting people to get what we get, releasing criticism and judgement, for the very act of using the gift of life in a way we choose not too, and putting no right, wrong, good or bad to it, we let go of the ties that bind us to those very beliefs that once we had, and now know that the vibration no longer matches our own, yet it exists still for others to discover on their individual quest. And that is Life, the Way.
Photo By Kim Kukko
Blessing the existence of others realities puts out a wave of Love, the vibration that allows the way back to the Source we have never left. That Source is within, it is who we truly are. We remember that by the expansion of who we are, by the flowing of that love through us we open the gateway and without effort, we receive that which we give. The knowing that the journey is already complete, makes it not a personal adventure solely but an adventure that is all about our connection to the whole, we are the whole, and content in our positioning as a member of a team called Humanity. The only real protection we have is the knowing, beyond the shadow, who we are, the calm in the center of a storm, the grace in acceptance and the Joy of existence for our part in the experiential knowing co-creating with The Divine Within.
Flames of Many Colours, Photo By Kim Kukko
In the absence of that which we are not, we have no way of knowing our Self. The game of duality, and differences. In the absence of the Mirror, we cannot see ourselves. We are all in the game, the game we designed for ourselves, completed before our arrival here, to walk the walk. So in order to play this game we must forget, only to begin again, to experience other expressions. For how can we do it all on one time line! Even here now, with the knowledge of who we are, feeling complete, we find another experience to keep on living. Or on the other hand we can give up on life by leaving the body through disease, or for a multiple of other reasons. We can either leave or stay to play another day in the Light of Eternity. One will find themselves wherever they are.
Find the Beauty
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