Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Garden of Life



Illuminating Our Garden

The sun is always shining somewhere

 Behind the cloudy sky

The cycles of seasons bring change to our environment. Mystical Mother Nature unravels her many changes as we adapt to the current season we are experiencing in this precious gift called life.  And so,  it follows that the mystery behind Nature also relates to our own personal path, the cycles of life in our Garden. We have cycles and seasons, phases and steps we go through as we learn to nurture ourselves and others.  

As we give up struggling against the current, and our own embedded patterns of resistance to change, in our realization of doing so we find it becomes easier to shed old beliefs. The old saying "attitudinal adjustment" is certainly something to remember.  It is definitely easier to change an attitude than a belief, yet when we change our attitude, we can change beliefs. To give up the need to be right is one of the most effective ways to affect positive change. It allows for us to be OK with our truth and allows others theirs. We can learn to agree to disagree, and this keeps us in the harmless mode and being free of judging another for their beliefs.  Remembering we are all the center of our own stage.

Attitudes work both ways, a happy and  healthy one, or one that denotes stubbornness, lack of flexibility, resistance and refusal to see other points of view. We are always right in our own minds. When the Heart gets involved it illuminates our understanding and compassion for others and their particular point of existence and walk.  We exchange judgement for allowing others their journey and choices.  Relationships come and go, and sometimes paths diverge, and we feel we have lost someone.

However, when we come from the collective energy of love and light, we realize nothing is separate.  Like raising a young one, we teach it all we can from  our perspective, help it grow its wings and then set it free to fly on its own, making another branch in the garden of life. More and more we attract feel good vibrations in our garden.

Happy and healthy create feeling good vibes and then there is the opposite.  Change is happening all the time, whether we accept it or not.  If we put our attention to  noticing, common threads of symptoms in our fellow man, we can see that this is both personal and collective.  The tiredness, and feelings of unwellness in different parts of the body!  Under the weather!  Weather is Mother Nature at work. Here one day and gone the next.  Believing that change is inevitable, and we are under the spell of something greater than our personality, requires trust and faith. Our body is the Holy Grail, the vehicle through which Pure Source Energy flows, and we its Manifestor.  All of us, each a vessel with its own creative power of choice.  Their are times when we see instant gratification and then there are those times when there is a lull, sometimes years before we realize our dreams. And our dreams change with our thoughts, feelings and choices.

Just as our Sun within is always there, we are never without Light. It is our Source of existence.  Sometimes we have it on dimmer switch so why not expand the heart strings of our instrument, tune into it and tune it up, in order to see with more of the Love we are.

Weed the garden, and let the flowers bloom.

Posted with Love and Peace

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