Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

One Heart



How long did it take to create this rock formation? The pictures are the Energy Vortex in Arizona. The vortex was between the Warrior and The Kachina Woman. "What are we doing here"? As old as time and before that!  Have you ever asked this question? The times we ask questions are those times when we feel the pain, the suffering, the sorrow and how can we, as a human race still not see that we are all human!  We have hearts, consciences, and it seems that some are heartless with no conscience at all. Things are seldom what they seem! We speak here of atrocities still going on in the name of God.  Pure Energy is, neutral, we call it Divine Love. Humans have free will.  Perhaps the answer is that they have strayed too far from their Divinity and have forgotten who they are. Or are they showing us choices?  My perspective is that we are here to remember who we are, through our existence.  There is a group consciousness that we can tap into, and become walking proof that Peace does exist here on Earth.  It is more evident than ever before that one can join the Peace Train.  Oh, and that was way back when, sung by Cat Stevens. Songs written stories told.  We have come out of the dark ages past. We play the game of life. How awesome is that!

            THE WARRIOR

We did it one by one,  joining a group consciousness called Light Workers.  You notice that we are no longer Warriors.  The sixties said it well, make love not war. Unconditional Love is the energy that heals.  Do not let anguish or despair capture your focus.  Avoid buying into what you hear through the news, but look to that which you see all around you and the stories less told.  There is so much good going on in the world, and soon there will be a transition from old energy to  good news broadcasting.  I am sure we are all intelligent enough to stop believing in fear and hold true to Faith and Trust in our Divinity. No one is alone, everyone is connected.  Humans created the fear and humans will undue that Karma bringing all back to Truth. Ages past, Iron Bronze Silver and now the Gold. What is your perspective? From a 3 year old, I asked a question, "What planet are you from"?  The answer was, I am from the stars. The new children know who they are.  Old energy does not work with them.  And, it is exciting to be with them, talk with them, reason with them and listen, and this is the new way. See them, hear them play with them, and feel happiness.


As One Heart
Fully conscious of Divinity's flow
Coursing through and around you now
Create the Bridge, your sacred Heart
Contentment, Peace to know

Through the ages we have moved
Iron Bronze Silver Gold
Passed from test to test
A puzzle pieced together
Time and time again
We remember, then forget

A circle that goes round and round
Until we stop, remember that
We have the right to choose
Then slow that circle down
 A little bit of common sense
A little dash of reason
There is a time and place they say
For each and every season

Passing as the Pilgrim
Journeying long and far
We have gained the wisdom
Written in the stars

Out of the loop we take ourselves
In time we have done it all
The stories written, lived and told
We wear the medals
Iron Bronze Silver Gold

Diane A.Cornett, March 8, 2004

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