Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Sands of Time Revisited

Where Did It Go


As I began a new phase in learning, the Sands of Time were wiped out from my blog, a mission that I embarked upon for me to me and to share with anyone else who read them. It keeps me in  tune to the beliefs I have lived when few were awakened to these collective truths in my world. Losing the Sands of Time! What an interesting metaphor with regards to what is pending in our future, as humans we exist in time space reality where our Spirit knows no time and we live past present and future all in the Now.  What we can take with us are our memories, our experiences.  Years ago I was interviewed by a university student doing a thesis on forgiveness. She gave me a fictious name and listened to my story about forgiveness. For me it was forgiving my Father, and forgiving myself for my inability to understand him in the early years.   I wonder what became of those pages? In the Light of Wayne Dyer's leaving his body the message he leaves is Forgiveness.  

Only through forgiveness can we release the ties that bind us to old energy patterns of the past replacing them with joy for living.  Our greatest teachers are the bumps in the road that cause hard thoughts, the trials of life and when recognized for what they relect to us, we shed  the old skin, returning to unconditional love.  As long as we carry these burdens wishing life had been different, we can never stop and reflect on the truth, that the trials show us how "Not to Live". Slowly we release these patterns and the emotions attached letting in the Light of Love for all. We have changed nothing out there, we have changed ourselves.

So whatever it was I wrote about the Sands of Time in my first blog, is gone.  I repace it with the fact that Forgiveness is the only Potion that can erase the ills of the past experiences from our emotional body, the chords that bind the way we lived that made us stray from our True Self.  The Light is the Wisdom of the ages, the yang, the God figure, the masculine, the Father. The Love is the Pure and Unadulterated, the Yin, the female figure, the void from which we create, The Mother.  When we apply the Wisdom with the Pure Creative Source of Love we arrive in a place we never left, what we can only say feels like home.  I am an individulized aspect of Pure Creative Source, experiencing the Gift of Life through Love for All.

Footprints, they are yours and they are mine
Blessings Peace and Prosperity to all

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