Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Portals of Love

Finding Balance

The Great Blue Heron Symbol of PEACE

Have you ever watched the Great Blue Heron as it balances on one leg? In fact it is difficult to see them on the ground as they blend in with their surroundings. Peace is Balance. Yesterday was International Peace Day, falling each year on the solstice.  What were you feeling? Any inbalance, or discomfort would be a clearing of old energy by the blessings from the many joined in unification around the world to bring through Light and Love that shines from the Heart to all that is. Although there are the many who are consciously joining, there are also those who live from this space. Together with the unseen,  energy of Love is amplifying and spreading the desire to live in harmony.  Can you imagine the amount of transformation occuring as we resolve differences, and take from past experiences, the wisdom gained!  More is yet to come as we are preparing to cross the threshold into the Higher Octaves as Earth is spiritually evolving.


When feeling uplifted in the presence of certain individuals, or simply for no observable reason, these waves of peace are being broadcast for all.  The energy of the mass of fans during a Blue Jay game or any other gathering of fun and enjoyment, will send electrical currents of Joy and happiness through the crowd.  It may be followed by disappointment, if the game is “lost” yet it is just a game, played by all to the best of their ability. Be grateful for the game and someone to play it with.  

   Branson Missouri Butterfly Palace, 2007

Like life it is the co-creative ability to engage in experiences of unlimited potential through the choices we make,  our own personal and unique way to take the gifts of the present moment, all that we have gleaned from past experiences and re-shape them into the dreams we have spun in our minds, or something better. As we create our own Peace, on our own individual Piece of Earth we occupy, or wherever our footsteps walk, it touches, affects and joins the collective awakening, vibrating to the Music of the Spheres. We are being uplifted, and one by one we find and choose to live the Joy, and slowly we are able to maintain that frequency for anything less just does not feel like who we really are. We are here to remember that the physical body is an instrument of Peace, for without it we cannot share as a sentient being, the  experience of  The Dance of love.


 Photo by Kim Kukko

The Symphony of Love

Look up at night to the stars so bright
and wonder as you see
Infinity unfolding a cosmic symphony
and wonder as you view this scene
From far away there too
Is another starstruck being
Looking back at you

It's pretty clear from where I stand
There is an orchestra of Humankind
Fine tuning all their instruments 
For the finale close at hand

The symphony about to play
The Clearest Clarion Call
We have made our way back home again
To the grandest place of All

Diane Cornett, 1992 

Smile you are on Cosmic Camera

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