Dance in Your Light

Dance in Your Light

Mining The Diamond Within

The Heart of Matter!

When we understand the structure of something we can consciously and deliberately implement effective strategies for change and begin to design our life by deliberate choice.  Be aware, there is no beginning and there is no end, so to believe we have completed is a myth. Every end is a new beginning. We are here on Earth in habit.  We inhabit the earth.  Here to discard those that no longer serve the highest good, and embrace the qualities of Higher Consciousness, of benevolence, compassion and grace

Many years ago when attempting to decide what my career really was, where I could find joy in doing what I love, I did a career test. I always wanted to teach, yet school and I were not the best of companions.  Not sure which career test it was, but the result was that my strongest orientation, 96% to be exact was a "Prospector".  Now I was not about to go searching for gold in the Yukon! So, I combined the highest scores, Teacher, Minister and Hypnotherapist all still in the above 90th percentile range. It was a beautiful learning curve, creating by choice my own path.

First to be the greatest good to another, one must first display those characteristics themselves.  " To Heal The must first Heal The Mind.",  Plato. We control what our mind thinks, what is on our mind affects our body. Let us say we "can control what we think".  We can pay attention to what we are thinking and change our thoughts, through conscious awareness.  And so I continue sharing what I learned, and experienced in the process of living and attaining in this reality, Peace amidst the seeming chaos. 
